Dumping Them Out (3 Boobs GIFs)

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Welcome back to the second edition of Dumping Them Out, where I try to think of interesting things to write about about and also share GIFs of boobs. 

We had our company-wide meeting at Barstool Sports last Thursday. My biggest takeaway was that I need to start putting all of my content on TikTok. The number of views/impressions you can get on TikTok is insane. I find that a little hard to believe because I re-posted a video on there this morning, and 3 hours later it has 1 view. The person did like the video though, so I guess I'm batting 1.000. I really wish Twitter would just figure it's shit out. It's the best, most fun social media platform there is, but there's just nobody on there. Barstool Sports might be the only company that runs on Twitter. I just found a stat that says 7.2% percent of internet users access Twitter at least once per month. That seems really low. Twitter is the only social media I've ever put effort into. Anyways, please follow me on TikTok. Maybe I'll just start reading blogs on there that sounds pretty sick.

We also had our company party Thursday night. I did not get too drunk, and I left at 9pm. I did a C- job of mingling with my co-workers. I have no good stories from it. 

I'm so uncomfortable pushing merch. That's why I was never that great at sales, I hate asking people to do stuff (like buy things). I wanted to make a shirt for the Bowling Green Falcons hockey team this year, and I had 2 ideas. One shirt that just says "1984", because they won the National Championship in 1984. Then another one that says "Scooter" because Scooter is the name of Bowling Green's equipment manager, and he's kind of a celebrity on campus. I really wish that I would have added some context to them. Having a single word on the front of a shirt can be cool, but you shouldn't have to explain it. But, here we are. Get your incredibly niche & vague Bowling Green Hockey shirts here.

Sorry I didn't mean to turn this blog into an advertisement for myself. Here are some angry boobs to make up for it.

Giphy Images.

I have a new found appreciation for anyone who has to schedule people's shifts at work. I've been scheduling people for The Rundown, which is about as simple as scheduling gets, but it's still kind of a bitch to have to do every week. I can't imagine running a restaurant or any type of business where you have to fill out a whole ass schedule 7 days a week. People would call off on you all the time, then you'd have to go back and ask other people who were supposed to be off that day if they can cover. That would be a nightmare.

The other day I was thinking about how much loose skin dogs have. 

How many people in the United States do you think could have become NFL quarterbacks if they wanted to? I thought maybe 300, but that's a wild guess. It's such a small percentage of people who have ever play football, so there has to be a lot of people out there who have the talent but just never got a chance. I understand that if you're really that athletic, then at some point in your life someone probably discovered you and gave you a chance, but I'm sure people slip through the cracks. The best quarterback in the world is probably working construction somewhere. 

I'm watching the Little League World Series right now. There's a kid on Tennessee who is fully blind in one eye. Somehow he is still good. He hit a home run. That seems impossible to me. Have you ever tried to catch a baseball with one eye closed? It seems like it's not going to be that hard, but you have no depth perception so the ball gets up on you so quick. I would imagine hitting a ball is even harder. Good for him. 

I wonder if personalized jerseys could ever become cool. Any time you see someone wearing a jersey with their own name on the back, your first thought is, "That's pretty lame". But is it really any more lame than wearing the name of a player? Maybe it is, but if the right people started wearing personalized jerseys I think they could catch on.

I spent $50 at a CBD vending machine yesterday. I bought 2 CBD pens. I'm permanently in a state of trying to quit vaping and I thought maybe they would help. Turns out they don't. Not even a little bit. There is no substitute for nicotine. 

I went to the Cheesecake Factory with my girlfriend yesterday. The beers were warm and gross. They also don't have prices on their cocktail menu, which seems a little uppity for the Cheesecake Factory. Who does the Cheesecake Factory think they are? Most of them are in malls. You don't even have to shower before you go. I don't care for them trying to be a fancy restaurant. 

I only specified that I went to Cheesecake Factory with "my girlfriend" so I could talk about how lame it sounds to say, "my girlfriend" in a sentence. The other day at the office someone asked me if I wanted to go grab drinks, and I said I couldn't because I "had to get home to my girlfriend". I've been cringing about it ever since. There is no reason it should be embarrassing or cringey. I don't know how else I'm supposed to describe her. I feel like I'm doing some sort of weird brag every time I say it. I think you might just have to avoid that word all together once you turn 30. From now on I will say, "The Ol' Ball and Chain"

I do a horrible job responding to DM's from people, and I'm starting to feel bad about it. At some point here soon I'm going to go through and respond to all of them, then make a blog about it. I think I'm going to power rank everyone I talk to.

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